Sunday, January 25, 2009

All Smiles!

Wow, it's been a couple of weeks since our last update! Things in the Richardson household are going swell. Beau had his two month check up and shots two weeks ago. He's growing like a little weed! He now weighs almost 11 lbs! He did very well with the shots and is a healthy little baby!
Terra and I took Beau to his first scrapbooking trip last weekend. It's a good thing terra drove because the car was packed! You would have never guessed we were only staying one night! Beau was very good and I was actually able to get 4 pages done! Yahoo! While we were away, Chuck was able to go ice fishing, which he informed me he was happy to have a weekend of no responsibilities! Chuck and Beau have been hanging out everyday and have been busy keeping things good on the home front. Chuck makes it very easy for me to come home, relax and hang out with my boys after work- I'm very thankful for him and his help!
Last night Chuck and I went moonlight bowling for my company Christmas party. We had a lot of fun and bowled pretty well considering neither one of us had bowled in quite a long time! I think probably since we were on league in the cities! Chuck's sister Carol and her two girls, Amanda and Lizzie watched Beau while we were out. He was a good little baby :) (I only called once to check on him even though it was hard being a way! But he was in good hands!) It was good for Chuck and I to get out together!
Well, Chuck is just itching to play a game of monopoly- I guess I'd better get my butt upstairs so I can win! LOL!
Have a good week!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fiesta, Food, Family, Fun AND FINGERS!!

Well, I survived my first week back at work, BARELY!! It was a rough week, but we all managed. Beau was fussy for Chuck the first couple of days, which was to be expected since we are all on a new schedule now and mommy isn't home. When I wasn't calling home, Daddy and Beau called me. By the it was Friday, I was looking forward to the weekend and to spending time with the boys. Chuck and Beau had a lot of fun at daddy daycare this week- Chuck even introduced Beau to HomeDepot :)

Saturday morning Beau discovered his hands!! This was quite an experience for the little guy- he had to check them out completely! The look on his face was priceless! He just amazes us every day!

We were able to spend Saturday with my mom's side of the family. We had our Brandt Family Christmas party at my aunt Patti's house. It was a Mexican theme with a ton of tacos! For the gift exchange everyone was suppose to bring a white elephant gift or a gift $5 or less- these were quite interesting! Gifts ranged from Jamie's middle school shoes from her closet to stipper Dorthy. It was so funny! And of course we had to recognize the 50 year olds of the group that recently received their AARP cards in the mail and would soon be celebrating the big day! There were 4 of them! My aunties Jill and Bobbie were in on it with the help from my cousin Jamie. As my aunt Bobbie put it, they weren't roasting them, it was just a slight toasting! LOL! There were actually 6 of them celebrating the big day because they didn't let my parents slip through the cracks- although their birthdays were a couple of years ago (and they were the hippies of the group), the Kenny Chesney music was cranked up and they received new Mexican hats from the group. For those of you that don't know my parents, they have been to Mexico MANY times and this is their favorite vacation spot- so the gift was very appropriate!

Today will be a lazy day at our house and I'm really looking forward to a day of relaxation! I hope you all have a great week!

Friday, January 9, 2009